
manufacturing facility

San Antonio, TX |
117,600 sf |

Indo-MIM, the world leader in metal injection molding, decided to open their first U.S.-based production facility at Port San Antonio. Indo-MIM produces complex precision metal components for the U.S. Military, automotive, medical companies, and arms manufacturers. RVK’s design for their plastic injection molding facility included interior offices, two sintering furnaces and heat treatment furnace equipment, with plans to add four additional sintering furnaces in the future. The design also featured a debinding room with a two-chamber system and a boiler tank with space to accommodate another set of two-chamber systems with boiler tank for future use, plus compounding, molding area, machine shop, process equipment and a lab. A 50’ wide x 240’ long fenced yard contains outdoor chillers, process chillers and cooling tower equipment. Currently we are working with Indo on an additional 76,460 sf of space for their Phase III expansion.

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