

San Antonio, TX |
4.5 ac |

The purpose of RVK’s Master Plan was to develop a phased plan that respected the cultural and artistic heritage of Miraflores, while restoring passive recreation within the grounds. Other goals achieved by our design included the development of a pedestrian link to Brackenridge Park, the creation of an enjoyable historically accurate period garden that reflected the nature of an estate garden of the time period, and partnering with various public agencies and private organizations to enhance the garden’s ongoing programming, funding, maintenance and use.

In its prime, Miraflores was an eccentric and flamboyant personal paradise for Dr. Aureliano Urrutia and his family. An unusually diverse variety of garden ornaments, including benches, urns, sculptures and fountains, proliferated throughout the pleasure garden. The garden ornaments, water features, plant collections, and walking paths were knit together by a complex circulation plan organized through cross-axial lines and terminal focal points typical of American and European estate gardens of that time period.

The garden was nominated to the National Register of Historic Places in 2004 “under Criterion C, in the areas of Art and Landscape Architecture, as an early 20th Century sculpture garden featuring many original works by noted artist Dionicio Rodriguez.” It is the only garden in the State of Texas to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

In recent years, the property changed ownership several times, and the original 15 acres were reduced to the current size of 4.5 acres. Pieces of art disappeared from the property or fell victim to the ravages of time. More recent property owners erected picnic tables, large area lights, and a large pavilion to accommodate their needs, but the beauty of the original garden was compromised. This valuable piece of the cultural landscape will continue to enrich and educate the public as it again becomes a part of the life of the City of San Antonio.

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